What is Substance Use Disorders? – Raha Ayurveda Hospital

What is Substance Use Disorders? – Raha Ayurveda Hospital

Substance Use Disorders - SUD

A substance use disorder [SUD] is a condition in which an individual's use of alcohol or other drugs cause clinically significant impairment or distress .  SUDs can range from mild to severe and include conditions such as alcohol abuse and dependence, as well as drug abuse and dependence. Symptoms of SUDs can include difficulty controlling substance use, continued use despite negative consequences, and withdrawal symptoms when use is stopped. SUDs can have serious health and social consequences and are often treated with a combination of therapy, medication, and support groups.

Substance use disorder is a global health issue. 1 out of 20 people aged between 15 and 64 uses drugs or other narcotics substances. Alcohol consumption virtually every organ of your body. This includes kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, etc.
This gradually affects an individual personally, physically and mentally. Similar is the case of smoking and drug abuse.

Causes and risk factors of SUD

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to the development of a substance use disorder. These can include:

Genetics: Research suggests that a person’s likelihood of developing a substance use disorder may be partly influenced by their inherited genetic makeup.

Environmental factors: Exposure to trauma, stress, or other negative life events can increase a person’s risk of developing a substance use disorder.

Mental health conditions: People with certain mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, may be more likely to develop a substance use disorder.

Peer pressure and cultural influences: Social and cultural factors, such as peer pressure and the availability of drugs in a person’s community, can also play a role in the development of a substance use disorder.

Early onset of use: Individuals who start using substances at a young age are more likely to develop an addiction than those who start later in life.


RAHA ayurveda- Comfort of Wellness

Raha Ayurveda have very effective treatment for De Addiction from alcohol , drug addiction and smoking.

Primarily , effective ayurvedic meditation for internal use will be implemented with or without the knowledge of addicted person.

Once the individual is on a recovery track , he will be undergoing detoxification therapy – Panchakarma . Minimum duration of treatment is 4 months , on the other hand hospitalization is needed for only 14 days . There will not be any complication and this treatment is advised for any age group.

Individual counselling , yoga therapy , meditation , and relaxation techniques will be also implemented . There is no side effect and no drug interaction .

Our expert team includes ayurvedic physicians , physical medicine and rehabilitation consultant , physiotherapists and yoga – naturopathy doctors .



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